Favorite Resource - Magic School Bus Books and Shows

The way the science is presented in The Magic School Bus books is just phenomenal.  It goes deep, it's clear and it's engaging.  It always respects the young student.  It's solid yet fun.  In my opinion, if your kids spend the years between 1st and 8th grade reading and re-reading, watching and re-watching Magic School Bus, they will be absolutely prepared for high school science.

We didn't own the whole set of books.  We owned a few and got lots out repeatedly from the library.  Magic School Bus was on PBS for many years during the period my kids were growing up.  I haven't kept track of how to get access to it now.  Here's a link to the DVD set.   Apparently, you can watch them on Netflix.  Pardon my ignorance, I hardly do anything with Netflix or whatever anymore.  I watch TCM if I want to watch a movie and if I want a little screen time, I watch my homesteading videos on youtube!  I haven't caught up with the new way in which we do screen!  It's changed so rapidly and I was barely hanging on to begin with!  So I am going to assume anyone reading this is far more adept at accessing this stuff.


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