High School - How We Handled Transcripts and Admissions
We did the most slapdash way of keeping records and it all turned out just fine. If I, the most ADD home manager in the world, can handle it, anybody can! EASY WAY TO KEEP RECORDS You know how you have a file folder somewhere with your kid's birth certificate and immunizations records in it or what have you? Simply use that file and every time you get one of the following, put it in to this file: The ok from your county to homeschool for the upcoming academic year (we do this in Virginia) Any score you get back from the end of year testing (We always did the CAT but occasionally the PSAT) Your kid writes a good essay, story or paper that would work well as a writing sample. Any grade or evaluation from any on line class, co-op class, community college class, workshop, camp, etc. If you are like me, you only actually file that kind of stuff a few times a year at most. EASY ORGANIZATION TRICK I am a piler not a filer. Usually during the year, a Dr. Seuss...